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LA JUGUETERIA: New Project with the Swiss Embassy and IUNIR

In the midst of the pandemic, with our activities in the neighbourhood at half speed, we received the news that we had been selected in the International Cooperation Competition of the Swiss Embassy in Argentina. A great joy, which commits us to a new initiative!

We want to set up in MANÁ a factory of didactic toys made by the mothers of the CONIN programme. In this first instance, to ensure that the children have toys that are appropriate for their age and that ensure their correct stimulation. In the future, it could be transformed into a productive enterprise.

Faithful to our style, this project is being carried out in collaboration with the Italian University Institute of Rosario (IUNIR) with students from the Faculty of Psychology, with whom we signed a Cooperation Agreement at the end of last year.

We had to sign separately, the Swiss Ambassador from Buenos Aires and us from Venado Tuerto. Until the activities are restarted, we hope to be able to organise the teams of psychologists, educational psychologists and artisans, so that we can start with everything ready.

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